
Archive for September, 2012

These are not my words, but those of someone very wise.  Someone that has lived and had time to ponder for centuries… I do not wish to divulge my source, for some of you may not agree… but I do want to paste it here so I may refer to it in the future, I feel I will need these words committed to memory for many years, and tragedies, to come.   Have a Blessed Day my sweet friends!


interviewer   one final question, what would you like to tell humanity through at least the readers of this website? What could you say that might not have been heard? Not a general statement, something specific that also applies around the globe?

answer   This is a large question, so allow me a moment to consider.

None of you know with precision what happens on Earth as your essence shifts higher and closer to your home, where is your permanent place. Do not focus on events; I do not mean to say these should not be thought of; they should. Think also and rather of your reaction; response. Think what will you do and what will you feel; unhappy solves what? Screaming fixes which problem? Some of you might do these things or have done them, personal events or global disasters cause effect. Death in a family does not stop your life. Your rise to higher dimensions offers that changes you can look beyond; be unhappy for a human moment. Then look beyond because soon all of you will see far past today’s horizons, this is why you have come. Look briefly at your origins, look down at where you are. Then look up. Do you see what beckons you? Keep looking, you shall see it. Smile and then go. We wait for you with open arms.


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Maggie Smith

Award-winning poet, author, essayist, and freelance editor


Living Life with Chronic Illness - Under Construction

A Zebra Life

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Rosemary Washington: Chapter Two

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The Life and Times of Nathan Badley...

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Living in Stigma

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Intentional Existence

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Helping you take that first step


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Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool

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No More Words

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