
Archive for April, 2017


Awakening: may refer to:

  • may refer to: Wakefulness, or the state of being conscious

She had been asleep her whole life. 42 years of walking through life with a veil over her head.  She was not a zombie, she was not flat and dry in her personality… no, she was more just oblivious to the reasons behind her bizarre outlook and actions.

Her awakening took place the moment she realized she was a victim of child abuse.  It happened with a swift and sudden yanking of the blindfold that had been so cleverly placed over her eyes by the one person she trusted the most, her mother.  When her mother died, the grip of the blindfold had slipped and the child within was able to come forward with indignant wrath and anger at being so hurt for so long.

The manipulation she had endured had manifested itself within the girl, to the point she just thought she was crazy, strange, unlovable, or even “not of this world”.  When in reality, she was just a product of tremendous pain and broken trust.

With the removal of this “veil” of protection, this sudden glaring reality, she worked to grapple with this new reality, but everything was twisted and her view of the past, present, and even the future was twisted and warped in such a way that everyday interactions with the most generic stressors… would send her reeling into herself and covering her eyes… trying to replace the veil so she could proceed to live in a somewhat normal way.

The awakening is painful and tragic in itself, so much so… that its just easier to ignore what has been revealed and block reality out in favor of the hazy, soft lies.

What was once awake… is now sleeping once again.



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Perception is something I have thought about a lot for the past few years. The act of perceiving… how two people can view the exact same situation in complete and totally original ways. How one sibling remembers a particular incident in childhood and the other sibling can see it as completely different.

I have often wondered what makes us see things the way we do. Is it personality and past experience? Is it chemical makeup in our brain? Is one person seeing trauma and the other person blocking it out?  How about how one views sins? Do we justify it in our brains? Or do we really not see them the same as other people?

I’ve had to weigh these questions in different times of my life, jobs, school, friends, home.  Critical thinking has never been a strong suit of mine, maybe because of the past child abuse I endured, Maybe because I really am not that smart but am very sensitive.

How about how one views something terrible?  How can I perceive it as terrible, scary, disgusting or offensive…. but yet someone I love very much can see it as sexy, erotic or even beautiful?

what about empathy? Where does that come into play? Do I have too much empathy and this other person have too little?

I recently saw something that has shaken me to the core of my being. But in trying to cope I have had to stretch beyond my comfort level of perception.  Is what I saw.. is it worth ruining the life of someone I love dearly? Do I allow this to ruin my life when I am simply an unwitting witness? Do I lock this information away because I am helpless or did I perceive it totally wrong?

I recently read an article where a daughter and to go over these same questions. The thing is, she was kept safe from the actual reality of the situation. She did not discover this crime or have to hide it away from everyone else. She was so much better off, and I wish, OH how I wish I could be her… but then again, I am also the perfect person for this discovery, I will protect the other person fiercely… but still have my own best interest at heart, and then, when the time has come… then I can move forward.

I have to compartmentalize.

I have to work through this thought pattern and make it go into perfect little cubicles ranging in order from least scary and traumatic to most awful lurking somewhere way back in the back darkest corner, not to be seen again until much, much later.

And, for now, that is how I will have to perceive this thing, in order to keep going.






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When your hero falls from grace
All your fairy tales are uncovered

Myths exposed and pain magnified
The greatest pain discovered

You told me to be strong but I’m confused to see you so weak
You said to never to give up and it hurts to see you welcoming me

When your hero falls so do the stars
When your hero falls so do the stars
And so does the perception of tomorrow

Without my hero there is only me alone
To deal with my sorrow, to deal with my sorrow

Your insistence to work and your soul is not happy at all
What do you expect it to do when your hero falls
So do the stars

See I know you’re wondering how do I carry on
You want to give up you feel there’s nobody to love
But if you look around there’s so many people have been what you been
You gotta let go

you gotta be strong

When your hero falls

What am I supposed to do
When your hero falls

(When I’m looking to you yeah)
When your hero falls

(But you told me to be strong)
When your hero falls (

And to never give up
When your only hero falls

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“It started out just like any other day When my world crashed down and I was left without a word to say It started out like a fever in the night

Without warning now I’ve got no chance if I don’t stand to fight I’ve got no choice I promise to survive I’ve got nothing left to lose tonight” ~Blackgummy

Two weeks ago I made a crushing discovery. One so awful that I am unable to discuss it with anyone.  I am angry, confused, hurt, disgusted…. and it has set my mental health back to point zero.

I don’t know how to contain the information I now know…

On one hand, I am able to compartmentalize and keep it in a closet.

But in a way, I feel the more I keep silent the more damage I will feel inside over time.

It’s eating me up like cancer, crawling under my skin and looking for a fight.

I love the person that this involves. But I will never see this person in the same way. In a way, my life long hero has fallen off that pedestal they were on for 40+ years… and is now broken into a thousand pieces and I care NOTHING about helping them clean this mess up.

I feel like a victim. I feel soft and mushy inside, my nerves are shot and my hand trembles constantly.  But on the outside I am in control, I am undisturbed, my mask is firmly in place.

But the pain… Oh, the pain 😦

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Maggie Smith

Award-winning poet, author, essayist, and freelance editor


Living Life with Chronic Illness - Under Construction

A Zebra Life

Pain is real but so is Hope.....

Rosemary Washington: Chapter Two

Art, books, nature, food, and the good things in life

The Life and Times of Nathan Badley...

just like Moby Dick, but shorter and less whale-oriented.

Living in Stigma

(Mental illness stigma and people struggling with chronic pain)

Intentional Existence

Crafting the lives we want, NOW!


Helping you take that first step


A great WordPress.com site

Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool

A complete, free online Christian homeschool curriculum for your family and mine

A Slice of Bree

The blog of Bree Hoskin, a writer with a passion for pop culture and dance floors

No More Words

Writings, in categories of Misc & Other, from your friend Xavier F Smith


My heart, mind and soul...transcribed!


News You Can Use from The Writers' League of Texas

Nail Your Novel

A blog about writing, publishing, self-publishing and bookish doings by Roz Morris